The word Anime (アニメ) was taken in Japan to refer to a particular new animation style, newly emerged there. This is the term that identifies the cartoon (cartoon in English) of Japanese origin. Its origin is disputed, it is believed that the term anime comes from the abbreviation of Japanese transcription of the English word "animation" (アニメーション animēshon). Hence, shortening to "anime". On the other hand is believed to be a word of French origin. The anime is a medium to large expansion in Japan, being a product while shopping
and cultural entertainment, which has caused a cultural phenomenon in masses and technological art form. It is potentially aimed at all audiences, from children, adolescents, adults, up grading specializations essentially taken from the existing to the "manga" (Japanese comics), with base classes designed for socio-demographic specifications such as employees, housewives , students, and so on. Therefore, it can deal with the subjects, themes and genres as diverse as love, adventure, science fiction, children's stories, literature, sports, fantasy, erotica and more.
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